Introduction to The Tabernacle
I .God Is Always Specific (Ex.25-31)
When God gave Moses instruction to build the Tabernacle He
was specific! Noah had a similar experience when told to build the
Ark. God is always specific when dealing with His people. He leaves
no doubt as to His intentions.
II.God Is Always Detailed (Ex.25:2-35:5)
The structure was to be 175' in length and 150' in width. The material
requirements were 2400 lbs of gold, 8400 lbs of silver and 8400 lbs of
brass. The fabric to be used was of finest quality: cloth of blue, purple,
scarlet, fine twined linen, coverings of goats hair, skins of rams and badger
or seal. It was further required to have Acacia wood (hardest wood known),
precious stones (for the High Priest's vestments), olive oil and sweet spices.
III.God Is Always Demanding (Ex.36:5-6)
God uses people. He told Moses, "Have the people bring
an offering". It was to be taken from the wealth obtained in Egypt.
They brought so much they had to be restrained in their giving.
IV.God Is Always Selective (Ex.35:30-32)
He chose Bazaleel to serve as contractor. The man had an eye
for beauty and detail. He was a skilled artisan. He was a gifted
teacher. Most of all he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
V.God Is Always Accessible (Ex. 27:16)
The entire Tabernacle enclosure took nine months to complete. It was a
fenced enclosure with curtains covering the entire structure. Seven feet high it
was just above eye level. To see inside one must enter through the door. The
gate of entry faced east and consisted of multi colored curtains;blue reminding
us that God(Jesus) came from Heaven!; white reminding us of His purity and
perfection; red reminding us of the necessary shed blood and purple reminding
us of royalty and that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Gaining entrance required a blood sacrifice. The rich were to
bring a bullock; the middle class a lamb or goat and the poor were
to bring turtle doves or pidgeons. They were to be sacrificed and
the blood to be sprinkled on the altar. This sacrifice was to be repeated
yearly but the death of Christ was once for all. Consequently by His death we all
may gain entrance"for whosoever will may come"!
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries