'Commitment to Excellence'
This is not a commercial but sometime ago a leading manufactureer developed as a theme the following: The quality goes in before the name goes on. I like that and if our Sunday Schools are going to do the job we must get the quality in before the name goes on.
Of necessity ours must be a commitment to excellence! In every area excellence must be our emphasis.
Our Sunday School Superintendents should be making needed improvements to develop some innovative ideas and changes if necessary.
Our teachers should develop some enthusiasm and deepining concern for the students.
Our curriculum should be Bible based and particularly Wesleyan Oriented. [Every Sunday School should use Wesleyan Publications.]
Our programming should be updated and competitive with a world throwing every imaginative thing in our direction.
Our students should be committed to excellence in attendance and involvement in every program.
Our records should be thorough and leave nothing to be desired. At a moments notice we should be able to get an up to date account of attendance and enrollment. That's a real part of our responsibility list.
Our out-reach should be far-reaching and effective. it should be more than shoddy, haphazard and infrequent.
Our entire program should be geared toward the most productive, effective Sunday School possible. Remember if we intend labeling it WESLEYAN the quality must go in before the name goes on.
Yours for bigger and better Sunday Schools,
In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2006 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries. You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.