"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23

  In the early days of Jesus' ministry many followed Him; some out of desire for a free meal; some out of curiosity, some out of desperation for healing, but a few followed Him because they knew He alone had the Words of Eternal Life.

  He draws a fine line in the sand when He lays down three basic requirements for discipleship: First He says,"Deny yourself." Under any that's hard. To deny ourselves the comforts, convinces and privileges that go and hand with the "good life." Jesus says,"It may be rough to learn this art but what He offered was worth everything!

 Secondly He said, "Take up his cross daily. A cross of criticism, redicule and scoffing. A cross of crisis that comes through total commitment. For the world and often the family will never understand what motivates us,

  Thirdly He said, "And follow me." Many turned back from following Him the Bible says. The demands were too great, the expectations too high, they couldn't accept the load of responsibility and consequently they turned back.

  Thankfully there were a few who were completely sold out. They were determined to follow wherever He led; to do whatever He required, to be whatever He expected! I want to be among that number. How about you?

In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries