"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son....." Gal.4:4
Timing is everything! Although God does not measure things as we do He condescends to use time to make us conscious of His plan.
In the Old Testament timing was everything! Abraham was instructed of God to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice! He went diligently to Mt. Moriah with every intention of doing so. Timing was everything, however,and God stayed his hand! At the precise moment he found a ram in the thicket!
Timing was everything when Moses stood before the Red Sea. Mountains loomed upward on either side and the Egyptian hoard was behind them! The
Israelites were crying out in distress! God said, "Stretch forth your rod and the sea parted and they went through on dry ground!
In the New Testament timing is everything! Every prophetic pronouncement given in the Old Testament is being fulfilled right on schedule! It was said,
"The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem". It happened as predicted! It was said, He would be born of a virgin". It happened as was predicted. It was
said,"He would be despised and rejected of men". It happened as declared, "for He came unto His own and His own received not".
When the fulness of time was come He came! He lived and died and was resurrected. He ascended into Heaven and is coming again in power and glory! God's timing is perfect!
In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries