"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God...." Acts 16:25
It was dark as it always is when Satan tries to undermine the work of God!
It was cold as it always is when Satan tries to blot out the warmth of the Spirit.
It was frustrating as it always is when Satan tries to upset the purposes of God.
Paul and Silas could have readily succumbed to all the pressures brought
to bear against them. They could have said, "What’s the use?" Arrested, beaten
severely and thrown into a dark, dank cell they could simply have bemoaned
their fate. After all they were God's spokesmen weren't they? Who could have
blamed them!
Such is not the case, however, for we see Paul and Silas in the most upbeat
of moods. They are praying for deliverance if God so chooses. They are asking
for additional opportunities of witness. Then they give thanks for the privilege
of service; for the opportunity to share the word; for the joy of suffering for
His Name's sake as they sing praises unto God.
There contentment and faithfulness results in an earthquake that releases
all the prisoners and ultimately brings salvation to the jailor and his house! We
too must learn the art being content in the state wherein we are found. In so
doing we can handle any crisis which comes our way.
In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries