Accuracy of Bible Prophecy
Accuracy of Bible Prophecy

  1. Israel would become a nation in one day.
    Prophesied - Isaiah 66:8
    Fullfilled - May 14, 1948
  2. Israel would gain control of Jerusalem.
    Prophesied = Joel 2:32
    Fullfilled - June 1967
  3. Weapons produced could destroy the world.
    Mark 13:20, Rev. 9:18
  4. The Gospel must be published in all the world.
    Mark 13:10
  5. Israel would be confronted by a great power from N/ Magog.
    Ezekial 33:15-16
  6. Nation established in far east of Israel (fields army of 200 million).
  7. Economic Alliance Established (From Old Roman Empire).
    Dan. 2:44
    Fullfilled - European Common Market
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2004 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries. You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.